Nurturing people to grow, claim their power and step into their potential
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 Take your power back strategically, gracefully, and resourcefully.


Name, Claim and Reframe® Salons recharge your soul and refresh your mindset, one delicious theme at a time. Like a mid-day mocktail party for the mind, salons are an invitation to gather interesting people to discuss new ideas and expansive thinking.

Reserve your seat for $97


The NCR the movement embodies the divine feminine grace of “choosing” to curate YOUR very own version of a well-lived life. As we travel through the tenants of Name, Claim and Reframe®, you get a closer look at your unique brand leadership, ambition, creativity, boldness, and even the why behind your limiting beliefs– ALL from the inside out. AND the in-depth community discussions, and “post-session” reflections will deepen learning and expand perspectives!

 With each Themed Salon you’ll receive:

  • A 90-minute intimate group discussion with me on Zoom 2:00 pm ET (11:00 am PT)

  • A rich community discussion that will deepen your learning, expand your thinking and allow you to integrate NCR into your life and ask questions in real time!

  • The opportunity to integrate what you are learning with each consecutive Salon and understand how Name, Claim and Reframe® applies to you and the life you hope create.


Why it matters to you:

You are an accomplished leader in your field… but you feel trapped by self-imposed and outwardly “stay-in-your-box” confines.

You want to bring your Whole Self to life… but your inner critics invite overwhelming self-doubt.

You are ready to embrace your well-lived life… but you’re not sure how (or how to do it alone). Each themed NCR Salon is a guided journey of expansion, insight and new perspectives.

·  NAME your truth behind the triggers and limiting beliefs that keep you from stepping into your power.

· CLAIM resonant actions that align with your core values (again and again!).

·  REFRAME your thinking, separate your ego and model strategic, resourceful and thoughtful leadership for yourself and everyone in your orbit.

Be the leader who elevates the energy of the room!


Thursday, May 16th

Zoom 2:00pm Eastern (11:00pm Pacific)

What if you could heal past relationships with refreshed vision?

Every person on this planet has experienced some sort of inner personal conflict where they did not feel seen, heard, or valued.

Use the NCR tools to understand past conflicts so you can apply “above-the-line” thinking to heal and REFRAME a negative experience with new perspectives and a refreshed vision for the person you are becoming. Proactively processing a regret within the structure of Name, Claim and Reframe® and harvesting learning, insights and maybe even some intentional strategy for the future you hope to create.


Thursday, September 12th

Zoom 3:00PM Eastern (12:00pm Pacific)

Why do we say Yes when we really mean NO?Give yourself the time and freedom to DO what matters MOST to you.

Have you noticed how NOT saying "NO", impacts quality time with self or family and impacts your health and stress levels? Until we learn to say "NO" we continue to be overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time. Whether you learn to say "NO" more often, or just learn to say "YES" on your terms, it's time to release yourself from the burden of pleasing others. 


Thursday, october 10th

Zoom 3:00pm Eastern (11:00pm Pacific)

Understanding Your Relationship to Praise

What is it about compliments that make us so uncomfortable?

Compliments are good for your goals because they give us information about what is working, how we are seen in the world, and talents we often take for granted. Become more intentional by reframing praise and using it to magnify your impact. Understand the ways you might diminish compliments or use them to shore up deficiencies. You’ll develop tools to not only enhance but celebrate the light you bring into the world.


Thursday, november 7th

Zoom 3:00PM Eastern (12:00pm Pacific)

The Art of Self-Sovereignty

What if you treated yourself like someone you loved and wanted to help?

Achieving self-sovereignty means building an intentional architecture to support the boundaries of your internal energy force; understanding when you are depleted, drained of your internal resources and dangerously close to a reacting instead of responding. When we gift ourselves awareness and then practices that will fortify our mindset with provisions to stand firm against the inevitable influences of the outside world we take our power back, becoming sovereign of our personal energy reserves. Think about how good it would feel to offer yourself the same compassion, love, and generosity that you give to others! 


Thursday, december 5th

Zoom 3:00pm Eastern (11:00pm Pacific)

Release to Make Room

What do you need to release to make room for more ease and flow in your life? 

It’s easy to get swept up in the moment, just “doing” things without questioning WHY we are doing them. When are intentional (Why do I want this?" or "Why am I doing this?"), we take our power back and are able to shape experiences that align with our true desires and core beliefs. Because everything in your life takes up space, you only have so much room. What will you reserve space for this holiday season?


NCR The Afterglow…

This workshop took me on a transformative journey of self-discovery and introspection, all among warm and encouraging colleagues and with Andrea’s highly skilled and talented guidance. Andrea’s unique approach to reframing challenging and triggering situations allowed me to uncover my true strengths and leverage them effectively. Through interactive exercises and practical strategies, I gained valuable insights and learned how to present myself authentically. The workshop’s impact was profound, empowering me to embrace new opportunities. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a meaningful transformation!
— Katie Croxdale

NCR was life changing for me. The transformations we all experienced during the 9-week course were AMAZING. Andrea is a talented life coach and an inspiring leader who brings out the best in all her students. She facilitated meaningful, thoughtful, and inspiring group discussions around each theme, while also creating a safe space that allows for vulnerability and individual growth and insight. Each model was an invitation to dive deeper into the content of the book and workbook and the engaging conversations and exercises called me forth to discover a new dimension of myself. This program will change the way you approach life!
— Pam Pauletich

Inside yourself is where your beauty lies…While many women don’t consider cost when wanting to look ageless, prettier or stylish, they might not value what they can learn in an NCR Workshop. This workshop changed my life because of what I learned about myself, my relationships, and how to live a better life. Andrea got me…and when I asked myself am I worth the cost of this workshop, knowing the power of her book, I didn’t hesitate to say, “Hell yes.”
— Kathy Show
If you are at all ambivalent about NCR prior to experiencing Andrea, you sure won’t be afterward. She creates a supportive space that is both thought-provoking and inspirational; I loved the interactive nature of the format which allowed me to ask questions and gain new perspectives that I could apply to my life immediately!
— Kate Callahan
“It’s a rare thing to be part of a community and feel as though you are not only welcome, but that the teacher honors what you bring into the space. Andrea’s deep well of knowledge helped me to dive deep and, over the course of the program, I could feel myself reconnecting to the origins of myself, so I could overcoming fears, face my inner critic, and ignite the best version of me. Each module was it’s own unique gift and traveling beside other seekers in this rich community felt like a reconciliation and renewal – like finding my way home.”

— Jen Loveall
Life changing and provocative, the concepts laid out in this workshop series were so powerful! The group discussions and workbook activities that followed each module expanded my perspectives and helped me to understand the why of my triggers so I could learn from them and truly stand in the confidence I want to present to the world…I’ll be returning to these NCR tools again and again.

— Aiko Wynn



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